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City Council Meeting 09/06/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting #36
September 6, 2007

Work Session Meeting

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager; Debra McCormick, City Clerk, John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Jenny Haines, Planning Director, Fire Chief Hammon,

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. All stood for the pledge.

Mayor Lattimore asks for a moment of silence.  Mayor Lattimore remembered victims and families of 9/11 World Trade Center Bombing.

Presentations and Proclamation
The City Clerk read a Proclamation designating September 9th through the 15th as National Healthcare Environmental Services and Housekeeping week.  Mayor Lattimore presented Jane Stebbins, from the AMH Environmental Services Department the proclamation.  Ms. Stebbins thanked the Mayor and spoke briefly.

Mayor Lattimore introduced Assemblyman Finch.  Assemblyman Finch acknowledged the City for recognizing AMH employees.  

Assemblyman Finch discussed the STAR rebate and the reasons it is available.  He explained the tax rebate process and pointed out that the funds go directly to the person named on property deed.  He encouraged citizens to call his office if they don’t receive a check.  Mayor Lattimore commented and thanked Assemblyman Finch.

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

The City Clerk read Communications.


The City Clerk read Local Law #11 of 2007 the terms and provisions of Section 421-k of the Real Property Tax Law providing property owners who invest in reconstruction or improving a multi-family dwelling, to receive a tax incentive.  

Work Session
·       Jessica M. Miles – Watershed Inspector.
o       Ms. Miles reviewed her qualifications and what she has been doing since being hired on August 13th.  She provided a handout for Council to review. She reviewed a list of County and City officials she has met with and plans she has for her first year. Council discussed.  Tony De Caro, City Water Filtration Supervisor explained the enforcement authority of this position.

·       Pumper – Fire Chief M. Hammon using a handout discussed options for multiple vehicle purchases. Council discussed.
o       Mayor Lattimore and Dempsey discussed Highland Golf Country Club Fire and other issues related to management of extinguishing and preventing the fire in Sennett.
o       The City Manager asked that Council give him permission to make the purchase of the Pumper.  Councilor Graney asked for time to get more information and to talk with Lisa Green, City Comptroller. The City Manager recommended that he prepare the documentation and allow time for Council to talk with the Comptroller.

·       Campaign to Solicit Input Regarding Structures that need Attention.  
o       The City Manager introduced Jenny Haines, Direct of Planning and Economic Development. Ms. Haines reviewed results of the survey that was recently completed.  Ms. Haines reviewed the report prepared by her office with City Council.  She explained that Code officers have gone to each property listed.  She will be recommending that next year’s budget include funds for contracting with companies that mow lawns, pick up trash etc.  Council discussed the report.

Other Business

Council Resolution #187 0f 2007 authorizing that a Public Hearing be held before the City Council of the City of Auburn NY on the 13th day of September 2007 concerning Local Law #11 of 2007 adopting the terms and provisions of Section 421 K of the Real Property Tax Law.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

(Addendum to agenda) Council Resolution 188 of 2007 authorizing a Public Hearing to be held on Thursday September 13th 2007 regarding the 2007 Restore NY Grant Application and Property Assessment List.   Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED

·       Councilor McNabb requested information on the status of the road program, as it would relate to Perrine St.  Mr. Palesh explained the process and that it would be improved for next year.

·       Councilor McNabb referred to the previous days Post Standard article regarding an employee in the Planning Department resigning.  He expressed concern that each Councilor was not told of staff changes.  Councilor Smith and Dempsey also commented.  There was a heated discussion regarding communication between Council and the City Manager.  

·       Councilor Smith commented on the code requirements for installing driveways and sidewalks. He reported that the policy seems inconsistent.  He asked if the ordinance could be amended.

Recap – The Clerk read the recap.

Council adjourned to executive session at 8:15PM and returned at 8:50PM.  

Adjournment – Council adjourned at 8:50PM.